Healthy Skin Doesn't Hibernate
- by Randy Currie

During the cold winter months, dry skin can become the norm and a common problem for a lot of us. Combating dry skin can be hard, but with these tips and regular care you can maintain the supple and soft texture of your skin despite winter’s cold!
Drinking water replenishes your body from the inside out. It hydrates your skin and it promotes a healthy glow. In the colder months, it is quite common for the skin to feel dull and lack glow. A low intake of water can make the skin look chapped and stripped of its moisture. This winter make a habit of drinking at least 8 to 10 glasses of water every day. With an adequate intake of water, you will feel a significant difference in your skin: it will feel more elastic and moisturized.
One moisturizer doesn’t fit all seasons. Every season, your skin changes and its needs are different. You must take your skin into consideration: how does it feel during the winter. Do you feel extra dry in the winter? If yes, then your normal water-based moisturizer will not be enough to quench the thirst of your skin. In the winters, make sure you are investing in a moisturizer, which is more on the oily side of the spectrum. The Carrello gentle face cleanser is infused with Olive Oil for a restoring effect on the skin.
An oil-based moisturizer will adhere to your skin better and it will lock in moisture for a longer period of time. Don’t be scared by the word “oil”. It will help you during the dry weather. The same goes for the body as well. Try to use more emollient or balm-like products on your body. This will moisturize your skin and prevent dryness. The Carrello body butter is enriched with plant extracts to deeply hydrate the skin.
A warm bath on a cold day might sound very relaxing, but one thing that people tend to forget is that hot water can instantly strip your skin of its moisture. To prevent dryness from hot water: reduce the temperature of your water slightly by about 3 to 4 degrees. Lukewarm or mildly hot water will not be as drying on the skin. Afterwards, to increase the moisture moisturize immediately after a hot bath to make your skin look soft, smooth and hydrated.
This is a great tip for people who live in low-humidity areas. Humidity plays a huge role in keeping your skin moisturized and hydrated. But, how to bring humidity in the winter? Lucky for you, there are devices called “humidifiers” which are like an essential oil diffuser, but instead, it keeps the house or room moist and full of hydration. This is also good for people who have problems with breathing in low humidity. Having a humidifier handy during the winter months is a big bonus.
This is a tip to remember. As mentioned previously, you should use a thicker moisturizer during the winters, but just applying once a day is not enough. Become habitual in applying your moisturizer and body lotion after every 3 to 4 hours. This will ensure restored hydration and your skin will look and feel healthier. Don’t be shy this winter with your moisturizer and use it on your skin throughout the day.